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    6 min Read

    It's true: THC and CBD both come from the cannabis plant. In fact, they're the two most prominent compounds in it. If you think they're the same thing, though, prepare to have your mind blown.

    THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for feeling high (among other benefits,) while CBD is likely responsible for the majority of the medical effects, though this is still being researched, and how most understand it today. Together in ratios, CBD and THC offer a wide host of benefits for the user that one compound alone doesn't. It doesn't have to be CBD vs THC
    it can be CBD + THC, too!

    Keep reading to learn more about the difference between CBD and THC.


    When it comes down to it, CBD and THC, at times, may offer similar and different effects at the same time. This is why more research is needed to further our understanding of the two compounds.

    THC, however, offers a psychoactive high while CBD doesn't. Some people like the high, while others don't. It's up to personal preference and a person's specific conditions to determine which is best for them.

    Together, the effects of THC may enhance those of CBD, along with other terpenes and cannabinoids, but will depend on the ratio these compounds are in together. This is known as the entourage effect. In this way, CBD products with a little THC in them, known as full-spectrum, are often reported the most effective.


    Despite both of these compounds coming from the same plant, their legal status is pretty different.

    Any cannabis-related product with over 0.3% THC content is generally considered a THC product. This is because it will likely get you high. 0.3% or below is considered too trace an amount to get anyone high.

    While cannabis is becoming legal in more and more states, it's still not officially legal everywhere. The same goes for CBD. Even though it doesn't get you high, people still lump it in with cannabis, leading to its illegality in certain states.

    Growing hemp, though, became legal nationwide in 2018 thanks to the farm bill. The farm bill makes the transport, sale, cultivation, and possession of hemp products legal across the US. While some states may have restrictions on CBD, the farm bill opens its legality up into a grey area.

    In other parts of the country, CBD and THC are only available for medical use, while in many others they're both fully legal. There are also strict packaging, manufacturing, and labeling processes in place everywhere the compounds are legal. It always helps to look up the legality of THC and CBD in your state if you're curious.


    When taken in ratios, like you get when you buy marijuana flower or full-spectrum CBD oil, you can find certain desired effects. At Origins, we’ve worked with independent labs to study this phenomenon extensively and to develop lifestyles to help those looking for desired effects from their cannabis.

    Generally speaking, many of our customers have told us they prefer their cannabis with both THC and CBD. In this way, both compounds may work together to enhance the desired effects.


    There are two basic types of cannabis plants: hemp, and marijuana.

    Hemp contains 0.3% THC or lower, but lots of CBD
    about 12-18%, in fact. It can be used to make CBD oil, as well as other practical uses like housing, food, fiber, and even biodiesel fuel.

    Marijuana, on the other hand, contains much more THC than it does CBD. Some marijuana strains come in at 20% THC and over, with the CBD content falling at a much lower 0.1 - 0.3%. This is why CBD oil is often collected from hemp plants rather than marijuana plants.

    It also highlights just how different each of these products are. Although they come from the same plant, they create very different products on a deep level.

    That doesn't mean there aren't marijuana strains that are high in CBD, though.


    As the demand for CBD rises, so does the demand for CBD-heavy cannabis strains. This lets users more easily take advantage of the anecdotal effects of both plants. Here are some of the most popular CBD-heavy strains to try out. Remember, cannabis will vary from dispensary to dispensary, so be sure to review the lab test before buying. The below info is meant to give you an idea of what marijuana strains high in CBD contain, but may not be exact to the strain you purchase in your local area.


    Pennywise offers users a near-equal ratio of THC to CBD at 7% and 8% respectively. It's reported to give off a calming effect and a herbal, piney taste.


    Cannatonic is a bit heavier on the CBD than Pennywise, with 10% CBD content vs 5.5% THC content. Anecdotally, users say it also offers relaxation. Just make sure you have a lot of water nearby
    it may give you a dry mouth.


    At 5% THC and 9% CBD content, Harlequin offers a fair mix of anecdotal energizing and calming effects. It comes with a piney, herbal taste with a slight peppery-ness that makes this a unique experience.

    Sweet and Sour Widow:

    If you want something even, try Sweet and Sour Widow. It has a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio, meaning equal parts of each. Like the name, this strain offers a sweet scent and a sour taste.


    When it comes to CBD vs THC, there's really no fight at all. Anecdotally, both offer different, yet incredibly beneficial effects that may be enhanced when taken in tandem.

    If you want to find the THC and CBD combos that would fit your desired effects, check out our lifestyles page, or select the “create an account” option (the little person icon) in the top right corner to take the quiz and be shown which ratios would fit your desired lifestyle effects.

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